First Time

First book. What book? I never like reading books. I'm more into running around playing with my brother Kram and if not for my mom, into ballet school and piano lessons which ironically, I never got to the recitals. The very first book I'd say I like reading most is Joel Osteen's : Your Best Life Now And that was when, when I was in my 30s. Bought this book when I was in the US for a vacation. I never liked reading books back in high school and college years, I was into magazines. Cosmopolitan, would always be the best buy. Beauty tips, love-hate relationship advice, and the likes. Then I realized, there's so much that I get to learn and unlearn through the books I'd read. (Delayed, huh?) I'd be more interested in self-help and personality development books rather than reading novels which I find unrealistic.
First movie. The most memorable movie I saw was "Maging Sino Ka Man" back in my grade school years. Saw the movie at an old moviehouse together with my grade school friend Stacey Kate Salvacion. Mind you, it was standing room (no seats available). I'm so into Sharon Cuneta and Robin Padilla(separately), until now. Hehe! What I like about that movie? Nada. Hehe Robin is just so... man, i'm loss for words. He's just so H.O.T. Need I say more? While Sharon, she acts very well. So much for being a Megastar.
First travel. Nothing compares to my travel to the US. Having the privilege to travel for free(my mom works at PAL). My 1st travel outside the Philippines was back in 1991 together with my younger sister Kay and Mama of course. We went around different states(California, Florida, New Jersey, New York) enjoyed the luxury of going to Disney World in Florida with Tita Ters and Uncle Dave, meeting my relatives, seeing a deer crossing the street, going to Toys 'R Us was heaven and got ourselves toys (Ice Cream maker).
First shoes. First pair of shoes I'd consider as first was my Bass Black Wedge Strappy Sandals I bought in Rustan's Cebu. This was a fruit of my hard labor from my 1st incentive with SMART. Price? P2,500. No regrets, I love that shoes which lasted for 5 years unfortunately it got torned eventually. Nice job BASS!
First job. Oh yes, my first major job was a Customer Management Officer at Smart Communications, Inc. Worked my ass off for 4 yrs with Sales. Oh hey, it's not that bad, I love my job! For some reasons, I had to venture into a different industry(technically), thus, i left the company. Hehe I love the fact that I gained friends and build connections with my clients. Of course, I gained financial stability but what's more important, I gained so much knowledge and skills in dealing with people. That's what matters to me. The road may have been tough, but that made me a stronger Me.
First kiss. Oh c'mon, i'll keep that privy. Sorry. =)
First love. And that thing called LOVE. It will be and always be Mikii. Need I say more? Ask my friends. They'll sure kick my butt for still having that twinkle in my eyes when i hear or say "Mikii". And there goes the twinkle in my eyes again. =) * *
First date. This was in my grade school years. My fan Leandro and I would walk from school (LaPaz) going to Jaro Plaza with some classmates and he'd make me ride the Mandurriao-Jaro jeepney. You wondered, why not take a ride from Lapaz to Jaro? Exactly the point of dating! :)
First pet. I don't like pets or any form of flying or barking species. Guess I had a phobia over a dog biting me coz I played with her puppy. Darn!
Guess so much of the FIRST. Here's hoping that this won't be the last blog. This topic may come a little shallow but little by little you'll experience the real me. 'Til then!
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